Monday, October 20, 2008

Evolvement of ideas

So I've tried out filming through different filters etc, I still am not happy with what I have filmed so far. I do not think I'm achieving what I have hoped to achieve. I just did a few experiments really and there may be one or two things I'm happy with. I've recently become interested in the idea of blindness, it relates to what I'm doing in my project because I'm trying to distort images, what I imagine someone blind would see, or someone that was blind, seeing for the first time.?? I think that for the viewer, abstract images is not enough to keep attention. I think an aspect of the work which I hope to encorporate will make the work more interesting, give it more depth. I'm still going to keep to the same method of filming, using filters and such, but instead, or maybe, as well as having a natural soundtrack to what is being shown (to help identify it) I am going to have a person narrating what they see, and maybe even a blind person. I want 3 narratives told to the same story, this will show that people can see and make stories out of different images, even tho they are the same.

So I'm going to keep filming different kinds of subjects, while using filters to distort the image, and over this I want some natural soundtrack and a person telling a story. I am hoping to use flash to create the interface of the dvd, it will have 3 buttons, and each button will play the same images, but the story that is being told is different.

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